
Clear Out Your Sinuses Using Only Your Fingers In A Matter Of Seconds

Not only are mini-massages great for relieving stress, but a targeted acupressure massage can work wonders on a stuffy head!

By repeatedly pressing against the notch (round part) of your collarbone with a firm finger, you’ll be able to stimulate the flow of your stuffed-up mucus. After doing this, you’ll feel your ears unpop and open completely!

A second way to use a mini-massage to your benefit is to cross your hands into a “V” shape and pump the sides of your neck. This will also stimulate your body into moving its lymph fluid and clearing you of bothersome sinus pressure!

If you are a visual learner, check out the great demonstration in the video below!


Content is provided by: Youtube.com

Technique C: Use Your Tongue, Too

Now you can combine a bit of the previous two methods by using your finger and your tongue to clear any backed up sinuses!

All you have to do is press your tongue on the roof of your mouth as hard as you can while also pressing your finger on the skin between your eyebrows. Hold this for 15-20 seconds and you’ll be able to stimulate the flow of mucus out of your head.

If that still hasn’t loosened the mucus completely, try alternating between pressing the roof of your mouth and the skin between the eyebrows for 10 seconds each!

For even more guidance on this unusual technique, watch the helpful video below.

Content is provided by: Youtube.com

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