Health & Fitness

Cleanse Your Colon And Lose 20 Pounds In 3 Weeks

Effectively wash the apple, cut it into small pieces and remove the seeds. Then put the apple in a blender with the water and honey. Mix until you get a uniform compound. Finally, add the chia and flax seeds and stir with a teaspoon for a few minutes.

This drink should be taken once a day for 3 weeks and you will see its effective results. This will not only cleanse our colon, it will also improve heart health. In addition, as we have pointed out in the past, you will have the opportunity to lose weight quickly by improving your metabolism.

Naturally, you should try to avoid foods high in sugar or processed foods at all costs. These will have the opposite impact to the drink you made. Start brewing this delicious drink today and you will see and feel your best.

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