
Budget Friendly Sewing Room Organization Ideas

I got a sewing machine for my birthday a few years ago, and I have big plans to create my own mini “sewing room” inside an armoire. This project hasn’t made it to the top of my to do list just yet, but in the meantime, I’m excited to share the most adorable space packed with tons of smart sewing room organization ideas to inspire us all! This space proves that you truly don’t need a large space or big budget to create a stylish and organized sewing room.

Sewing Room Ideas

I love social media because it allows you to connect with the coolest people from around the world… and sometimes they turn out to be right in your own backyard. About a year ago, I came across an Instagram photo of some really cute hoodies. The style and the colorful fabrics initially caught my eye, but then I noticed the name – Platt Park Hoodie. That stopped me in my tracks because I live in the Platt Park neighborhood of Denver. I clicked over to the profile, and sure enough, these hoodies are handmade by one of my neighbors – Stacie, of Sew4the1.

Sewing Room Tour

I reached out to Stacie via Instagram, then met up with her at our neighborhood farmer’s market. I’ve loved getting to know her and learning more about her business. I bought one of her hoodies and it’s seriously one of my favorite pieces of clothing. Then I caught a glimpse of her adorable sewing space, I knew I had to share her budget friendly sewing room ideas with all of you!

Let me introduce you to Stacie, my neighbor and the seamstress-extraordinaire behind Sew4the1.

Stacie makes the Platt Park Hoodies from her home, and I recently interviewed her to learn more about how she created her functional and affordable sewing room. Whether you’re a hobby sewer or a professional maker, Stacie has some genius sewing room organization tips that will help you get your supplies organized on a budget.

ME: How long have you been sewing and who taught you to sew? What do you love about it?

STACIE: I started sewing about seven years ago. At the time, it was my birthday and I had just had my third child so the line up of my kids was 3, 2, and new! My mom gifted me a sewing machine for my birthday, and I was a little disappointed when I received the machine. I was looking forward to a massage, manicure, pedicure etc and instead I got this huge bulky machine and I had no clue how to turn it on or what I was supposed to do with it.


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