
Beauty Secrets & Tips from Celebrities: All-Natural for Skin, Hair & Body

If you think that to be beautiful you need most expensive products, you are simply wrong and some celebrities are great examples, that cheap products and simple methods hide great beauty secrets.

In this article you can find 6 beauty secrets from Hollywood celebrities and why shared natural beauty secrets are so special. Only the best, affordable and easy to apply secrets to fix these common problems: dry hands, cellulite, weak hair and dark circles under your eyes.

Beauty Secrets for Smooth Skin, Strong Hair & Firm Body

Jennifer Lopez: Long Sleep Better Than Skin Care Creams

We all know how wonderful complexion Jennifer Lopez has and the secret of her amazingly beautiful complexion is a long sleep. She never sleeps less than 8 hours a day – her skin has time to rest and the next day is always radiant. Jennifer also doesn’t tan, she uses bronzing foundations instead.

Why this beauty secret is so special?
The best time for your skin to regenerate is between 12-6 am. You should go to bed before midnight and if possible sleep 8 hours a day. To keep your skin healthy and protected it’s great to use UVA/UVB sunscreens during the day.

Cindy Crawford: Milk Smooths My Body

The former American model has extremely smooth skin, and what she does is – she mixes 50:50 – milk and mineral water and sprays her face and body with the mixture.

Why this beauty secret is so special?
It’s a great method if you have dry skin. Milk contains proteins, Vitamins A, B and E, fats, calcium and lactic acid. They accelerate epidermis regeneration processes, restore skin’s lipid layer, neutralize free radicals and gently exfoliate – skin is hydrated and firm. You can also take a bath with goat milk, after which you should rinse your body with cool water, towel-dry your body and apply body lotion.

Catherine Zeta-Jones: Beer Strengthens My Hair

Surely you know how beautiful, wavy hair Catherine has and how healthy they look. Celebrity beauty secret for beautiful and healthy hair is really simple. If you want to use her method, you need 0.5 glass of beer and 2 spoons of honey. Apply the mixture to your hair and wrap it in a towel for 10 minutes and rinse the mixture off. The effect will surprise you!

Why this beauty secret is so special?
Honey contains sugars, mineral salts and organic acids – they nourish and regenerate. Beer, on the other hand, contains: Vitamins B and hops extract – rich in essential oils. The mixture that celebrity uses helps strengthen hair bulb, reduces hair loss, soothes irritations and cleanses the skin. It also regulates sebaceous glands activity, so hair doesn’t get oily so easily. After rinsing the mixture off it’s good to rinse your hair with water (with lemon juice), to get rid of alcohol smell.

Sandra Bullock: Cheap Skin Care Cream for Dark Circles Under Eyes



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