
Apply Ghee On Belly Button To Soften Your Skin

Now that we have explained to you the myriad benefits of ghee, you would be thinking how can you include it in your beauty/skincare routine. You can’t really apply it like lotion, all over your body because it is an expensive ingredient, besides there will also be the issue of smell.

This is where the belly button hack comes into play. According to Ayurveda, our navel is the focal center of our body, and it is connected to important organs such as pancreas, intestines, gall bladder and liver. In fact, Ayurveda also states that problem such as indigestion could also be treated by adjusting the navel. Therefore, applying the clarified butter to the navel can certainly work wonders for your dry skin as it is almost like the nerve center of your body.


Take about a tablespoon of ghee in a container, and heat it over the flame. Take care so as to not heat it too much, as that can burn your skin.

Lie down on a flat surface and pour a few drops of the warm ghee in your belly button, and apply the rest to the area around your navel. Massage the area around your navel for a few minutes in a clockwise fashion.

Remember this remedy should be used at night, before going to bed, for it to yield great results. For this process, it’s best that you use ghee made from cow’s milk.

You can use this superfood as a moisturizing agent for dry, chapped lips. All you have to do is take a spoonful of ghee and add some honey to it. Apply it on your lips before going to bed. You will notice an improvement in their condition upon regular use of three to four days.

Turns out your mother’s wisdom of insisting on having ghee as an ingredient in your meals had an ounce of truth in it.

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