

Are there any homemade teeth whitening solutions? I guess you do have this question? because splurging on dental treatments is to certainly burn a hole in the pockets.

Well, pretty white pearls layered with a yellow tint. Holy crap, isn’t it? Needless to say, yellow teeth are not a fashion statement. We cannot flaunt ourselves as the yellow teeth ruin the appearance and the radiant smile. We often feel terrible with yellow stain especially when our fellow beings starting pointing it out. Eventually, we try to hide our poor little teeth. Imagine wearing a red matte lipstick with that yellow stain popping out when you talk or smile. Would you like it? Certainly no right!

That’s a common problem we face over a period of time. The major cause behind yellowing of teeth is not just our improper dental hygiene. It also depends on several other factors.

Why do our teeth get tarnished and turn yellow? Certainly, there are plenty of causes for the yellow stain.

Causes Of Yellow Teeth

  • Number one cause on the list is obviously the Foods we eat. Foods dull your smile as they get broken down by the bacteria naturally present in the mouth. Consequently, acids are formed which damages the enamel of teeth. That makes teeth turn yellow. Also, the high intake of foods like sweets, sodas, tea, and coffee can give stained teeth. Furthermore, when the foods get stuck in between the teeth, it doesn’t go away until we brush our teeth. So, the bacteria accumulate in that area giving odd stain.
  • Smoking and drinking are the next sole reasons for yellow teeth.  Nicotine and tar in tobacco leave a yellow stain and over the years teeth may also turn brown. Whilst, the colours or acids in drinks can stain the teeth. Unless you stop the consumption you cannot restore pearly teeth.
  • Sauces and condiments such as tomato ketchup, curry sauce, vinegar, and soy sauce contain colourings which can probably stain your teeth because these additives penetrate into weaker sections of teeth enamel and weaken the protective coating.
  • Wearing teeth Braces also can cause teeth discolouration as the bacteria get accumulated around the braces. Though you brush teeth, the bacteria doesn’t easily rinse off.
  • Improper dental hygiene like not brushing or flossing do cause teeth discolouration.

Instead of trying the expensive professional treatments, you can go with these economically natural treatments. Here are the top 5 homemade teeth whitening solutions.

Top 5 Teeth Whitening Solutions At Home


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