Health & Fitness

According To A Recent Study, Your Drunk Self May Actually Be The Real You

How did alcohol affect their behavior? Were they extroverted and open? Impulsive maybe? The self-reporting was compared to the information researchers obtained two weeks prior, and participants were sober back then. They answered the same questions both sober and drunk.

Drinkers said their personalities changed while they were consuming alcohol. Outside observers didn’t notice major changes.

The “drunk you” is no one else but you. That’s just how the real you behaves. You are not more extroverted and open. You just have to learn how to unleash this person without consuming any alcohol.

Ridiculous behavior
You have probably noticed that some people act silly when they consume alcohol. Social environment and social factors make people feel like they can do so many different things. Being surrounded by close friends helps you feel good about your terrible dancing. You are not that confident at the office, right?

Have fun without alcohol
Alcohol may give you cancer, extra points, cognitive decline, and cirrhosis. Excessive drinking will put you in a terrible situation so you better ask for help before it’s too late.

We don’t need alcohol to open up, and this study confirms it. Surround yourself with the people you love. You can try to be yourself even when you are with your colleagues or people you don’t know really well.

Don’t drink to be yourself. Don’t put your life at risk just to be more fun. Be more fun without alcohol. Cheer up and stop overthinking.


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