Health & Fitness

A Few Things that Ruin Your Thyroid Health and One Recipe That Can Fix These Problems

The so-called TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone is created in the anterior pituitary gland and is in charge for the hormonal production in general. When doctors analyze the thyroid health, they usually focus on the levels of this hormone. But, it is good to point out that these tests show us only a fraction of the way hormones work.

A Few Things that Ruin Your Thyroid Health and One Recipe That Can Fix These Problems

It turns out that the work of the thyroid is affected by many different things. What is shocking is that there are 7 things that can be found in almost every modern household that ruin the health of the thyroid.

We live in an environment packed with toxins and we can get rid of them. However, we can lower the chances of experiencing problems with the thyroid if we avoid these toxic things. Another way to protect the thyroid from the negative effects of these toxic substances is to use iodine supplement.

7 Dangerous Toxins in Our Home With Negative Impact on the Thyroid Health

1. Plastics
It seems that plastics don’t present danger only to the environment, but also to the human body and health. For instance, plastic bottles tend to leech one well-known chemical – antimony.

A scientific study performed in Denmark has shown that the amount of antimony in juices that come in plastic bottles is slightly higher than the recommended amount of antimony in tap water. In addition, phthalates and BPA commonly found in plastic bottles are two other ingredients that can disrupt the work of thyroid.

2. Soy
Research has shown that soy protein have the ability to reduce the effects of thyroid peroxidase. Soy comes with a protein known as phytoestrogen which can cause obstruction in the normal thyroid work because it stops the proper secretion of thyroid hormone, stops the proper use of iodine in the body, and prevents the transformation of iodine into thyroid hormones and the transformation of T4 to T3. In addition, we should not forget that soy is GMO.

Finally, scientific studies have confirmed that children who take soy had continuous increases of the levels of TSH compared to kids who took non-soy formulas.

3. Fluoride
According to some statistics, more than 70% of water supply in the United States has reduce cavities. What is even more interesting is that in the beginning of the last century, fluoride was recommended by doctors to patients who wanted to heal overactive thyroid gland. Given that most people drink tap water, this is probably something that should concern everyone.

4. Halogens


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