
Clumpy, Dry Mascara Is The Worst — Here’s How To Revive A Tube In Seconds

There’s nothing worse than when a tube of mascara goes dry.

Especially if you spend a lot of money on your makeup, you’re relying on it to last a long time and look as good as it did in the beginning. Even just forgetting to make sure the cap is screwed on tight can make mascara start drying out, and that can be frustrating.

However, all you need to save your mascara is a couple of drops of saline solution. This is a common household item used to rinse sanitized contacts and combat dry eye. Most people probably already have a bottle of it in their medicine cabinet. If not, you can find it at any grocery or drugstore for just a couple of dollars.

Just squeeze gently to drop a small amount of the liquid into your mascara tube. Three to five drops will do. Stir with your mascara wand and keep adding saline until it seems like your mascara has lost its clumpiness and reached a normal consistency.

That’s not the only way people have saved their favorite makeup products.
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