Health & Fitness

9 Side Effects Of Castor Oil You Should Be Aware Of

Animal studies found that castor oil was mildly irritating to the skin of the test subjects. Other allergic reactions to castor oil are redness (erythema) and hives. These can occur on the site where the oil is applied (5).

Castor oil is not a significant skin irritant or sensitizer in human clinical tests. But ricinoleic acid in it may aggravate the condition of patients with pre-existing skin conditions (2).

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Castor seeds contain CB1A, an allergen that may affect individuals with hypersensitivity during the oil extraction process. The oil doesn’t contain this allergen.

3. Muscle Cramps

This seed oil is a potent laxative. However, muscle weakness and cramps could result from a laxative overdose. It can also cause intestinal cramps and abdominal pain if taken on an empty stomach (6), (7).

This is why pregnant and menstruating women are advised against using castor oil as a laxative. It may also induce contractions of the womb (uterus) in some cases (7).

Hence, unless advised by your doctor, do not self-medicate with castor oil. The dosage is said to make all the difference, and it is best decided by a healthcare provider.

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4. Dizziness

Dizziness is another symptom of castor oil overdose. Other castor oil side effects include fainting, shortness of breath, and, in rare cases, hallucinations (3).

Synthetic derivatives of castor oil are administered with other chemotherapy medications to manage breast, lung, ovarian, and skin cancer in patients. Inform the doctor if subjects experience hives, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, and/or irregular heartbeat (8).

However, the mechanism behind this effect is not established yet.

5. Lethal For Newborns And Children

In traditional Indian medicine, castor oil is given to infants 2-3 days after birth. This practice can result in severe intestinal damage, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition (9).

Consulting your doctor before taking such dangerous steps is recommended as there is insufficient literature about the safety of castor oil use in lactating women, new-mothers, breastfeeding infants, and children (9).

You may also be asked to consume castor oil supplements by your doctor, in a few cases. Castor oil supplements come in gelatinous capsules and are available only on prescription. They have similar side effects if you don’t stick to the clinically-set dosage.

However, you can prevent these side effects by taking the necessary precautions.

Side Effects Of Castor Oil Supplements

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