Health & Fitness

9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight


Cortisol is produced by our adrenal glands.The other name for this hormone is the “stress hormone” since it is released when our body feels stressed.Chronically increased levels of cortisol can cause weight gain because they will lead to overeating.According to a study, women who had excess of weight around their middle respond to stress with a very increased cortisol.Here are some ways to help you decrease the levels of cortisol:Balanced diet:You should eat a diet based on real foods, but not cutting the calories to an extreme amount.Meditate:It’s a great way to decrease the production of cortisol significantly.Listen to music:It has been scientifically proved that the levels of cortisol don’t increased if you listen to soothing music.Sleep more:Good sleep and rest is crucial for normalized cortisol.


Estrogen is considered to be the most important female s-ex hormone.The ovaries produce it as well as some other cells throughout a woman’s life. It makes some changes through the period of puberty and makes the Br3ast grow.Very low and very high levels of estrogen can cause weight gain.When the reproductive years happen, this hormone lets women store enough fat so that they could have enough energy for their pregnancy.Obese women have more increasedlevels of estrogen than normal weight women. According to some researches, it’s because of the environment.Here are some things you can do to help you manage the levels of estrogen:Fiber: Eat plenty of fiber.Cruciferous vegetables:These are very beneficial for the estrogen.Flax seeds:Flax seeds are amazing for the levels of estrogen.Exercise: Physical activity can contribute a lot.


This hormone is produced by the nervous system as well as the brain cells.It stimulates the appetite, especially for carbohydrates. It is the highest during periods of food deprivationorfasting.Stress can increase the levels of neuropeptide Y and it leads to abdominal fat gain and overeating.


Protein: A diet low in protein can increase the release of NPY and it causes weight gain, increased food intake or hunger.Don’t fast for too long:Fasting periods which are very long can increase the levels of NPY dramatically.Soluble fiber: Eat plenty of soluble prebiotic fiber to feed the friendly bacteria in your gut.


This hormone is produced in our gut when nutrients enter the lower digestive tract.It keeps our levels of blood sugar stable and you feel satiated.The decrease in appetite which occurs immediately after a weight loss surgery mostly happens because of an increased production of GLP-1.Here’s how to increase GLP-1:Eat plenty of protein: Yogurt, fish orwhey protein can improve insulin sensitivityandincrease GLP-1 levels.Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Chronic inflammation is connected to reduced GLP-1 production.Leafy greens:Kale and spinach are especially good.Probiotics: During an animal study, a probiotic supplement that was used increased the levels of GLP-1 and that led to a reduction in food intake.


This is also a satiety hormone produced by the cells in our gut.Increased amounts of CCK can decrease the intake of food intake in both obese and lean people.Here are some strategies that can help you increase CCK:Protein: Eat plenty of protein with every meal.Healthy fat:Fat can trigger the release of CCK.Fiber:Beans and other foods which contain fiber can increase the levels of CCK.


Peptide YY (PYY) is also a gut hormone which controls our appetite.The cells of the lowest portion of our gutrelease it.It has a great role to decrease your risk of obesity and reduce the intake of food.You can increase the PYY like this:Lower-carb diet:A diet based on unprocessed foods can help you have stable levels of blood sugar. Increased blood sugar can impair the effects of PYY’s.Protein:You can intake protein from plant and animal sources.Fiber:Plenty of fiber is necessary.


The hormones work mutually to enable fat storage as well as decrease our appetite.If their work is disturbed, we’ll have problems with our weight.Some lifestyle changes and a change in our diet can help us greatly

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