Health & Fitness

9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

Hormones control our weight immensely. According to a research, they also influence how much fat we store as well as our appetite.In this article, we’re going to present you 9 ways that will help you “fix” the hormones which control your weight.


This is a hormone which the beta cells of the pancreas produce. Throughout the day, it’s secreted in small amounts. After meals, it’s secreted in greater amounts. This hormone gives our cells the possibility to store blood sugar for what we need in that moment.Insulin is also considered to be the main fat storage hormone in the body. It prevents stored fat to break down and tells fat cells to store fat. It is very common to have cells that are insulin resistant. Then, the insulin levels as well as the blood sugar increase to a greater extent.Insulin levels which are increased chronically is called hyperinsulinemia and it can causemetabolic syndromeand obesity.The overeating of fast food, sugar andrefined carbohydrates increases the levels of insulin and causes insulin resistance,


Avoid or minimize sugar:Sucrose and fructose in high amounts can increase the levels of insulin and promote insulin resistance.Reduce carbohydrates: A diet low in carbs can decrease the insulin levels.Fill up on protein: Protein increases insulin in the short-term. It will also help you lose belly fat.Include plenty of healthy fats:Fatty fish which contain Omega-3 fats can decrease your levels of insulin.Exercise regularly:Jogging or walking briskly can improve the sensitivity to insulin.Get enough magnesium:People who are resistant to insulin are often low in magnesium. Insulin sensitivity can be improved with the help of magnesium supplements.Drink green tea: Green tea can decrease the levels of insulin as well as the levels of blood sugar.


Leptin is a hormone produced by our fat cells. It is also called the “satiety hormone” which makes you feel full and decreases your appetite. It communicates with the hypothalamus. This is the part of our brain which regulates the intake of food and the appetite.Leptin helps us prevent overeating by telling our brain that there’s enough fat in storage.People who are obese usually have increased levels of leptin in their blood. According to a study, the levels of leptin in obese people were 4 times higher than in people who had normal weight.If leptin decreases appetite, obese people with high levels of leptin should lose weight because they’ll start eating less.Unfortunately, when people are obese, the leptin system doesn’t work well and it’s called leptin resistance.When leptin doesn’t work well, it can’t send a signal to our brain that we have enough stored energy.Your brain thinks that you’re very hungry, so you start eating.Leptin levels are also decreased when you lose weight.Two potential causes of leptin resistance are inflammation in the hypothalamusandchronically increased insulin levels.


Avoid inflammatory foods:The include trans-fats and sugary drinks.Eat certain foods: Eat more anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish.Exercise regularly:Leptin sensitivity can be improved by moderate activity.Get enough sleep:According to some studies, insufficient sleep can increase the appetite and decrease the levels of leptin.Supplements:Fish oil and alpha-lipoic acid are proven as good.


Ghrelin is also called the “hunger hormone.”Your stomach releases ghrelin when it’s empty, so it sends a message to the hypothalamus that you need to eat.The levels of ghrelin are usually increased before eating and decreased 1 hour after you’ve had a meal.In people who are obese, fasting ghrelin levels are often lower than in people of normal weight.According to studies, after obese peopleintake a meal, their ghrelin only decreases slightly. Their hypothalamus doesn’t receive a strong signal to stop eating, so it leads to overeating.Ghrelin levels can be decreased in these ways:Sugar: Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and high-fructose corn syrup.Protein:Include protein in every meal, especially during breakfast.


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