Health & Fitness

My experience of a safe Yoni steam at home (DIY)

5. Can yoni steam cause yeast infection ?

Yoni steam practiced safely at home with purified water and organic herbs should actually improve chronic yeast infections. 

6. Can you do a yoni steam at home and is it healthy ?

Each woman is unique and might experience different symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to be cautious of your physical and mental health. I personally was never attracted to the idea of going to a “yoni steam salon”:

  • Firstly, for sanitary concerns (i mean you just never know how well these places are cleaned).
  • Secondly, by doing it at home I have the reassurance to where the herbs are coming from.
  • Lastly, I consider yoni steaming like an experience of reconnecting with self and my womb. I am not sold on the ‘client feel’.

You first need to know where the herbs are coming from. I have found many yoni steam business online with no accreditations or information on the source of their product.

You should ALWAYS look for the non-GMO and certified organic label on your herbs blend package.

I HIGHLY recommend to use bottled purified water and avoid tap water. In fact, using tap water could cause infections as it is full of chemicals such as fluoride, sulfates, and chlorines.

You should never steam while on your period or if you have open wounds caused by sexually transmitted infections.

You should also be careful of the water temperature to avoid burns on your private parts.

20 minutes is a safe time to steam. Any time longer than 30 minutes will not be beneficial for you.

My experience yoni steaming at home

I like to be surrounded with good energy before I start my yoni steam ritual so I would usually sage my room first and open the windows.

Then, I would follow with a 5 minutes womb meditation to release any anxiety :

  • For a womb meditation, I would focus my energy and breathing on my womb area while I place my hands on it. I also listen to sacral chakra meditation music and focus on the color orange.

When I feel ready I would boil 50 Cl of bottled water. Place it in a large bowl (avoid plastic) and add 2 teaspoons of the herbs.

I would then squat on the bowl (in the yoga child’s pose). Making sure I am not too close to the bowl. As you can see in that picture below I have placed a bathrobe around my legs. This is to trap the steam in the area.

yoni steam at home

For 20 minutes I am in peace, relaxing and listening to some soothing meditation music.

This is the way I do it, but I know some other practices are talked about. You can buy the cutest and handmade stools on Etsy if you are not comfortable in this position for too long.

Alternatively, you could place a pot in your toilet and sit on the toilet seat.

If you want to read or watch a show on your phone then it’s totally up to you. We all have different approaches and preferences.

Whatever works for you queen!

Herbs I used and recommend for a yoni steam at home (DIY recipes) 

v-steam at home

I have ordered my blend from Gaia remedies and I cannot be any more happier with the service.

Claire, the owner of Gaia remedies is using organic and non-GMO herbs. She was extremely helpful as I requested to remove some of the herbs for my blend.

Besides, it was extremely affordable and her eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging contains 65g (2.03 oz).

Which means a little goes a long way.

If you would rather Do-It-Yourself then I would recommend the following blend :

  • Oregano
  • Marigold
  • Basil
  • Mugwort
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Yarrow
  • Partridge berry
  • Motherwort
  • Calendula

Last but not least,

I would like to remind you once again to take extra precautions when you carry out your first Yoni steam at home.

Furthermore, all this information is shared to keep alive ancestral rituals which has helped millions of women around the world.

While steaming you are practicing a holistic method and should, therefore, being in tune with the three pillars of holistic health BODY MIND and SOUL.

Yoni steaming can stay private or shared on your social media but ultimately it has to be done for the right reasons.

Dissipate your fears, let go of the concerns and assess what is best for you. 

I hope this has helped you to understand the basics of a safe yoni steam at home.

If there are topics you would like to know more about or questions you might have, I would be more than happy to answer them in the comments or privately.

Thank you for reading.

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