Health & Fitness

My experience of a safe Yoni steam at home (DIY)

My experience of a safe Yoni steam at home [DIY]

In this article, I share how I do my own Yoni steam at home. Using an organic non-GMO blend of herbs and safety precautions. I also answer frequently asked questions on that topic.

Maybe you have heard of Yoni steaming by celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow.

Maybe not.

But a wave of concerns has appeared after women started to show interest. It is actually depicted in some “healthcare-oriented websites” as a celebrity trend that is extremely dangerous and could cause vaginal infections.

In actuality, women have been womb steaming for a while.

I don’t know about you but there’s something I instantly trust when I hear women have been using a holistic practice for generations and generations.

I’ve always trusted the power of plants and herbs but like most people, I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of safety concerns I found online.

If you have read my article about how to stop birth control pills naturally with no side effects, then you already know that a Yoni steam at home is my go-to technique to alleviate the cramps and regulate my periods. I have heard about it last year and decided to give it a go.

In no shape or form, I’m asking you to take my word and experience for it. We should always do our own research, and use safe products. However, I also want you to trust more what Mother Earth has been given us for centuries. It is time our medicine cabinet starts to look more like our spices shelf. 

I am ONLY using safe and non-GMO herbs to Yoni steam at home and I wanted to share my experience and hopefully encourage women to take care of their wombs too.

What is a yoni steam ? 

Yoni steaming is an ancient practice that started in Africa and Asia (mainly) where women would steam after childbirth to clear their womb off impurities.

Indeed, it is an ancestral self-care ritual, practiced for centuries by women around the world. They would sit on a stool under a hot pot of water, infused with a mix of herbal blends such as mugwort and rosemary (to name a few). The therapeutical steam will then flow into the womb.

It is an all-natural practice to help women to have harmonious menstrual cycles and a healthy uterine system.

Benefits of yoni steaming and frequently asked questions

womb steaming

1. Main benefits of yoni steaming

  • supports fertility,
  • recover from pregnancies and childbirth,
  • reconnect with your womb
  • overcomes internal and emotional traumas caused by previous sexual partners
  • regulates cycles (flow, longevity,..)
  • reduces menstrual cramps
  • improves libido
  • improves vaginal dryness

2. Can I yoni steam everyday ? 


You will disrupt the level of lactobacilli. The vaginal flora would then become imbalanced and this could cause a risk of infections. The infections will lead to symptoms such as itchiness, irritation, abnormal vaginal discharge, and burning feeling.

3. How often should I yoni steam ? 

This should be kept at once a month for an optimal and safe use.

4. Does yoni steam helps with smell ?

By restoring the health of your vaginal flora, and removing impurities, the smell could indirectly be improved

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