
8 Things Guys Secretly Want From You But Will Never Tell You

All men want and love encouragement. I’m going to talk about myself here, I find nothing more empowering than her support and the way she encourages me to keep striving for the best. It’s said that behind every successful man there’s a woman, it’s very true and the same goes for me. I work hard because she encourages me to never stop believing in myself, she makes me realize my strengths and she makes my weaknesses seem nonexistent. Ladies believe in your man, encourage him and support him with everything you have, you’ll find yourself in a better place with him.

When you tell him what you want in a way that makes him feel good
Men want to make the woman they are with happy; this is actually one of the biggest driving forces for a man in a relationship. In fact, if a man doesn’t think he can make a particular woman happy, he most likely won’t want to continue a relationship with her. And men appreciate it when you tell them how to make you happy as long as it’s done in the right way. The right way does not include nagging, guilting, lecturing, or shaming. It entails lovingly telling him what you like and what you want in a way that makes him feel good. Framing something as “I really love it when you …” rather than “Why don’t you ever …” is a good place to start.

When you lecture a man or come down on him for what he’s doing wrong, he feels like a failure. He also feels like a little kid being scolded by mommy for misbehaving. When you tell him what you want in a way that makes him feel good, he feels good about doing it and good about himself because he knows how to make you happy.

Sexual Variety.

It’s impossible to talk about what men want women to do without delving into sex. Sexy lingerie, different positions, a hot make-out session in public or anything new, really, will drive him wild. He won’t want to ask for it, but he will want it, and it’s also one of the best ways to create intimacy and keep the all-important fire alive.

Be His Buddy.

Being your guy’s buddy doesn’t mean you have to go to the footy, slurp down a meat pie and have burping comps (though a lot of guys would love it if you joined in occasionally). It means being on his side and accepting him as he is, just like a true friend would.

Too often, even at the very beginning of relationships, it’s easy to fall into the trap of liking most things about a new lover, while thinking you’ll just change the things you don’t. You won’t. Worse still, you’ll make him feel like you’re not in his corner, that there’s something wrong with him and that he can’t act like himself around you. And a true friend would never do that.

What else? Well, dressing up like a hot nurse and bringing him a beer is always a winner – though he might not have the guts to ask you.

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