Health & Fitness

8 Different Ways To Relieve Stiff Neck and Shoulder Tension

Levator Scapulae Stretch

Here is the best neck stretch that benefits the muscles that attach to the shoulder blade from the neck.

Go for it:

Grasp the left side of the seat of your chair with your left hand. Keep your spine upright and bend your chin towards your chest. Tip your head towards the right, looking at your armpit until you can feel a pull along the left side of the neck. Stay for about 30 seconds. Repeat with your right hand and do the whole cycle three times.

Shoulder Roll

This simple exercise increases a range of motion in the shoulders and upper back improves posture and releases throat tension.

Go For It:

Stand straight with your arms at your sides. Slowly rotate your shoulders forward, starting with small circles. Increase the diameter of the rotation circle with each breath until you move smoothly through the full range of motion. Repeat the movement in a backward motion until the set is complete

Cross-Body Arm Stretch

Stretch your shoulders and biceps with this movement.

Go for it:

Grab one arm above your elbow with your opposite hand and pull it across your body towards the chest until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Ensure your elbow stays below the height of your shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Cow Face Pose

Cow face pose stretches the hips, ankles, shoulders, arms, and chest.

Go For It

Slide your knees placing the right knee directly over the left. Then separate your feet and sit between them. Raise your left art straight towards the ceiling. Bend it at the elbow to bring the hand to the back of the neck. Now lift your right arm out to the right and bring the arm up to the center of the back. Join both hands at the back. Draw both elbows towards the center and prevent your head from tilting forward by pressing the back of your head into your left arm. Repeat on the other side.

Double Anterior Shoulder Stretch

For those who spend long hours hunched over a computer, stretching your shoulder can feel good. It also improves your posture.

Go for it:

Join your hands behind the lower back. Slowly lift your clasped hands, keeping your elbows straight and away from your body. Stay upright. Hold for about 40 seconds.

These exercises are very effective and work on your neck and shoulder pain almost immediately.

Happy exercising!

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