Health & Fitness

8 Different Ways To Relieve Stiff Neck and Shoulder Tension

The most flexible joint in the body is the shoulder and is involved in a number of activities. Muscle tear, osteoarthritis, and tendonitis are some of the several causes of shoulder pain. Lifting heavy objects or lifting them the incorrect way and cold shoulders also cause painful shoulders.

You can alleviate your neck or shoulder pain with these effective stretches.

Neck Roll

It is a simple, safe, gentle and effective exercise to relieve tension in your neck.

Go for it:

Just roll a soft towel. Place it behind the neck where it meets the neck. Allow your head to sink back towards the ground and then relax. Hold the position for 10 minutes.

The Clasping Neck Stretch

It stretches the upper back and the rear part of the neck.

Go for it:

Place a chair on the ground and sit on it. Join your hands together just below your head just where it joins the neck and gently start pulling the head down so that the chin almost touches the chest. Stay in that position for about 45 seconds and gradually revert to the starting position.

Stretching The Upper Trapezius

This exercise benefits both the shoulders and neck.

Go for it:

Place your right hand behind the back. Grasp the right hand with the left hand and pull it more towards the left side. Now tilt your head slowly to the left until the left ear is almost in line with the left shoulder. Gently lower your chin and stay in that position for 10-15 seconds. Relax as you bring your head back to the neutral position. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat this complete cycle thrice.

Levator Scapulae Stretch


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