Health & Fitness

7 Reasons You Don’t Wake Up Refreshed In The Morning

Did our fathers or forefathers take their landline phones to bed? Its only after the cell phones came into our world that they assumed the role of our friends whom we end up taking with us everywhere, be it the loo, our beds, and other places where they aren’t even required. Keep your cell phone at a table near your bed, and try to forget about it. Please!

5. You’re Sleeping At A Different Time Each Night

Maintaining healthy sleeping patterns is the best thing to do if you want to wake up fresh. The best sleep ritual that you can start immediately is to sleep and wake up at the same time, on all seven days of the week. Sleeping at the same time every day ensures that you get a good night’s sleep. It’s like training your body and making it understand at what hours it needs to switch off and rejuvenate.

6. You’re Not Unwinding Before Bed

Most of us think that after a tiring day we should just hit the sack to give our body the rest it requires. But hey! What about the mind? It needs to relax too, right? And the best way for that is to unwind after a tough day by doing things you like. Do activities that make you feel peaceful — meditate, talk over the phone with your parents, or just read your favorite book in that happy corner of your house. Take some time to relax before going to bed. It will help you sleep well and you will wake up feeling refreshed.

7. You’re Having Medicines That Affect Sleep

Of course, medicines are taken to cure whatever illness we suffer from. But there are certain medicines that can also contribute to your morning fatigue. This is because they make you feel drowsy all day long, while some can even cause insomnia. These side effects can mean that you sleep fitfully at night which will make you tired in the morning. Therefore, make it a point to ask your doctor about the side effects of the medicines that he/she is prescribing you.

If you follow these tips and tricks to maintain a healthy and ordered sleeping schedule, you are bound to wake up feeling fresh and recharged the next day. Are you aware of any other habits like these that can help us feel completely recharged in the morning? Do let us know in the comments below.

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