Health & Fitness

7 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight!

Physical inactivity is one of the major causes of overweight and obesity. People with sleep problems have a slower metabolism which affects their hunger hormones and they tend to eat more.

It is true that diet and exercise are the keys to slimming down and maintaining a balanced weight. What is not so certain, however, is whether these are the only things you need to achieve your ideal weight, since according to research there are other external factors that can cause a person to gain weight.

If you are eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise but you are not losing weight, perhaps one or more of the following reasons may be the cause. Below are 7 possible reasons why you might be having trouble losing weight.

You’re not getting enough sleep

Studies have shown that people who have trouble sleeping or sleep less than five hours a night have a slower metabolism and this affects their hunger hormones such as leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin is the hormone that tells the brain when to stop eating, while ghrelin (produced in the stomach) stimulates hunger. According to studies, people who do not sleep well have a low level of leptin and high levels of ghrelin. This means that they tend to eat more and gain more weight.

To solve this problem, the recommendation is to have a good sleep routine with at least 8 hours of rest every day.

You’re consuming hidden sugars

Hidden sugars can be present even where you least expect them; without even knowing it you are consuming considerable amounts through energy bars, cereals, sports drinks, sauces and spreads.

To avoid this, it is very important that you read the label well before buying a product and avoid those containing refined sugars.

You count calories but not nutrients


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