
6 Simple Turmeric Masks for Gorgeous, Glowing Skin

I’m always enamored by how good it feels to pamper your skin. Most of us can’t afford expensive spa facials—or fancy beauty products—but it doesn’t mean we have to go without the luxury or benefits of these treatments! Whether it’s making a simple sugar scrub or moisturizing with your own rose petal body oil or making a turmeric mask for skin care, I’m all about easy, budget-friendly ideas for looking your best. First up, a glowing skin turmeric face mask!

“Secret Beauty Weapon”

I read recently that actress Thandie Newton called turmeric her “secret beauty weapon.” Isn’t that just for curry? Nope! (Although it is fantastic and one of the most scientifically studied and proven natural ingredients for healing inflammation from the inside out—here are some of our favorite anti-inflammatory turmeric recipes.)

Not only does this spice have amazing healing properties, but it’s also a great beauty product. It turns out Indian brides have long used turmeric as a head-to-toe body scrub and face mask to brighten skin before their weddings.

What is turmeric?

Though turmeric is found in many Southeast Asian dishes, naturopathic physician Dr. Trevor Gates says it’s actually a long-standing South Indian spice that’s been trusted for a multitude of uses. Not only is it a flavoring and coloring agent, but she says it’s also a medicinal and beautifying herb. In fact, she notes it has been scientifically proven as an anti-inflammatory that soothes redness and itchiness.

“Turmeric manages microorganism growth on the skin, helping ward off acne-causing acne bacteria, and it prevents other infections from spreading,” Dr. Gates explains. “It also contains powerful antioxidant properties, balances sebum secretion, and helps clean out pores.”

Turmeric beauty benefits

  • Turmeric is high in antioxidants that slow down cell damage.
  • It’s widely used as a skin exfoliant and improves the texture of skin.
  • It helps with inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne, dry skin, psoriasis, and eczema.
  • It helps reduce pigmentation and even out the skin tone.
  • It is also said to diminish wrinkles.

6 DIY Turmeric Masks


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