
6 Home Remedies To Treat Diarrhea Quickly

Diarrhea is an extremely unpleasant and sometimes embarrassing condition. Medically, diarrhea is defined as frequent loose or watery stools more than three times per day.

Diarrhea can happen as a result of a broad range of viral or bacterial infections, alternatively antibiotic usage or sometimes food intolerances.

Whatever the reason for diarrhea, it can be dangerous and even life-threatening for the elderly, babies and young children. Dehydration can occur very quickly as a result of diarrhea so it is, therefore, best to see medical help for these vulnerable populations.

If you are experiencing mild diarrhea and need help in managing the condition try these home remedies.

1) Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, milk, soda, legumes and cruciferous vegetables

For starters, when you are trying to manage a bout of diarrhea it is best to avoid certain foods and drinks. Temporarily cut out caffeinated beverages such as coffees, teas, and colas as they may worsen symptoms.

Milk may be poorly tolerated due to temporary lactose intolerance and this could cause extra bloating and gas, so milk and other dairy products should be avoided.

As mentioned in Livestrong, gas-causing vegetables such as legumes (chickpeas and beans) and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli) should also not be consumed as eating these during a bout of diarrhea can worsen abdominal discomfort.

2) Fluids and more Fluids.

One of the biggest dangers and side effects of diarrhea is dehydration. As soon as diarrhea hits it is best to get going on replenishing those lost fluids as quickly as possible.

As we’ve mentioned in the last point, not all liquids are appropriate so here are some guidelines:

Stick to clear liquids


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