5 Simple But Effective Tips To Unpop Your Ear
Of all the methods this can be termed as the best method to un-pop an ear. This technique works best as it tries to release the pressure from within rather than from the outside. Take some water in your mouth. Now close your nostrils with the finger tips and swallow the water that you have. The moment you do this, you will hear your ears pop. This is a natural process and you do not have to put any additional effort for this pressure release.
4. Warm Compress
Half the times the pressure build up happens due to the blockages of the Eustachian tubes and this is due to the congestion in the ears. Warm compress is a good technique to get rid of such complications. The heat generated can ease out the pain and the pressure caused by it. Take a towel and immerse it in hot water. Now wring it out and fold it into 2 or 4 pieces. Now place this on the side of the ears for a few minutes. You can gently put pressure on the towel so that the warmth reaches the inner portions of the ear. You can feel better once you remove the towel. Repeat this on the other side too.
5. Chewing Gum
This is one of the simplest techniques and this is especially beneficial if you are taking a journey by flight. During a flight, you are prone to rapid alterations in the air pressure. This can easily pop up your ears. Chewing gum in such scenarios can be beneficial to your ears under the circumstances. The constant chewing motion of you jaws open up the Eustachian tube and can help in unclogging your ears. Try it out the next time, you go on air travel. This is also helpful for kids and children and first-time air travelers.
Apart from the above, you can optionally try out steam inhalation and even use nasal decongestants, if your clog is due to a cold virus. Also, do these techniques gently and don’t put excess pressure while doing these.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.