Health & Fitness

5 Foods That Will Improve the Health of Your Joints and Ligaments

Food Good For Joints And Bones – You know what they say; an apple a day….. Well, it is true. It is even more true if you wish to improve the health of your joints.

Eating healthy is the first significant step each of us needs to take to maintain good health and body and to ensure physical and mental fitness.

Apples are good for your joints; this is because apples contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants such as born and magnesium; these two and much more in the apple help your bones grow stronger.

Apples are one of the many foods that can help you get to your goal; there is a wide range of foods that can take you to the road to healthy cartilage and joints.

But before we look into those foods and what makes them special, let us take a look at the chemistry of joints and bones that make up all our body.

What is a joint?

A joint is a strong articulation which forms strong linkages that join the bones, cartilage, and teeth together. These allow us to carry out movements in different degrees and directions.

5 Foods That Will Improve the Health of Your Joints and Ligaments :


Avocado is a super fruit which consists of antioxidant mono-saturated salts, beta-sitosterol, essential fatty acids, and vitamin E. These are all hard workers that fight continuously to prevent inflammation in your joints.

Onions, leeks and garlic

The abovementioned vegetables and the others that are alike are abundant in fulfur, which is a mineral that is important for the formation of the collagen and other elements that make up the bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Asparagus and cabbage are also very rich in this amazing substance.



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