
4 Signs & Symptoms of Stressed Out Skin


Even the most zen among us still gets the occasional pimple or dry patches from stress. Maybe it’s because of a perpetually too-long to-do list, never-ending bills, familial pressures, or just general existential dread amidst being in a global pandemic, but *shouting into the sky* why do stress and skin have to be so inextricably linked?

Turns out, this has to do with the way human bodies are hot-wired to react in fight or flight situations. Dermatologist Dr. Cristina Vajaitu says that under times of intense stress blood redirects to vital organs — and that does not include the skin. “Skin circulation is reduced, with spikes in stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol leading to a reduction in collagen and antioxidants production,” she explains. 

Basically, all that tension in your bod can wreak havoc in a number of ways. Let’s break down how to spot skin in crisis-mode, and more importantly, talk some essential treatment options to get your glow back.

Acne Flare-Ups

Noticing breakouts around your chin and mouth where things were clear before? Well, acne from stress is all about the hormones. While you worry, excess cortisol (your body’s main stress hormone) is pumping through your system causing an increase of oil production which can get trapped inside hair follicles and produce pimples (ugh). 

Too, Dr. Vajaitu says that when you’re feeling overwhelmed, you might be less likely to stay on top of hygiene needs. If you’re skipping your skincare routine, eating junk food, and not drinking enough water, those habits are going to take your skin out of balance. 

“Treating stress acne requires a cleanser that will correctly and safely exfoliate the skin. Effective acne cleansers contain glycolic, salicylic, lactic, malic, and mandelic acids or benzoyl peroxide,” says Dr. Katina Miles, dermatologist at Skin Oasis.  “Next, acne-prone skin needs a topical retinol or retinoid, and possibly a topical antibiotic. Chemical peels and Aerolase lasers are also effective in treating acne.” You can also try Differin Gel, which contains adapalene 0.1%, the first FDA-approved prescription-strength retinoid acne treatment available over the counter.

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