

Stop paying for expensive finishing powders. All you need to do to boost your makeup is this. After applying your makeup. Dust baby powder on your face to set your makeup. Now you can save on finishing powders.


How many things have you tried to make your home smell amazing? I can imagine a dozen or maybe you are a first-timer who is trying to figure out how you would want your home to smell. If you like the smell of baby powder and would like your entire home to smell that way.

Simply mix the baby powder with your favorite essential oil. Leave it in a small container in a corner. Your home will be smelling great in no time. You can do this for your car too.


Everyone wants to have beautiful lashes. We tried many different ways to get them to look plumped and gorgeous. Here is a simple eyelash trick

Dust baby powder over your eyelashes before applying the mascara. It will boost the fullness of your lashes.


Not every day do you have the time to give your pet a shower or a fast clean-up. which can lead to serious odor consequences. Here is a baby powder dry shampoo trick.

Sprinkle your pet with baby powder. This will absorb the sweat leaving your pet smelling great. Most pets hate water so they will be thanking you for this new idea.


Take a bottle of baby powder into the kitchen with you when you are cleaning. YEP, baby powder works miracles on sinks and stainless steel appliances. It’s safe to leave a bottle of baby powder in your kitchen at all times. You will be needing it sooner or later.

You must be speechless at this moment, but don’t worry, you won’t be using it to cook. It will be cleaning for you. Yes, you heard right. Sprinkle the baby powder in your sink. Then dust it away to reveal a clean shiny sink and an amazing smell too.


If you are bothered by those pesky bugs who seem to think your garden is theirs, you need to do something about them fast.

You need to stop those little pests from taking down your hard work. You may be skeptical about using some of those harmful pesticides on the market.

There is another harmless way to get rid of those bugs. Sprinkle baby powder on the leaves and around the root of the plant. Bugs are turned off by the smell and will not bother you again.


If your hair is in a bind, trying to loosen it without proper help can cause your hair to fall to the ground, now, that sounds a bit scary. The fastest way to get yourself out of this situation without anything scary happening is to do this.

Combine equal parts of baby powder and baking soda as a dry shampoo. Rub the mixture into your hair and comb through. This cool trick will loosen your hair without doing any damages. I hope that you find these tips helpful. SEE YOU SOON.

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