
12 Awesome Health and Beauty Tips from Viral Posts

12 Awesome Health and Beauty Tips from Viral Posts

Written by Grace & Silas

I love health and beauty tips and hacks; whatever keeps me looking young and saves me money on overly expensive beauty care products. In fact, I’ve probably read too many of them, and by now my skin is probably wondering why I’m lathering coffee and oatmeal masks onto my face. But these tips can seriously help you with skin health, as well as saving time and money on hair and makeup.

As females, there’s a lot to keep track of, but if there are beauty hacks to make things easier, then I’m all for it. Give me those crazy scrubs and weird eyeliner tricks, I need all the help I can get.

25 Life-Changing Beauty Hacks – Cosmopolitan

Cosmo 2

Green Tea Bags for Puffiness: When I first saw my sister do this, I’m pretty sure I gave her a weird look. But after learning about how putting green tea bags just under (or on) your eyes can get rid of puffiness and dark circles, I was all about it (this probably ranks high in my favorite health and beauty tips)

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