
11 Secrets The Beauty Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

We, the common man (or woman), look at celebrities endowed with picture-perfect beauty and wonder how it’s possible – wishing we could look like them.  How come they look so great ALL the time?Although we’ll never have a full-time entourage of beauty experts to take care of us, we can take some simple steps to take care of ourselves.Scroll down to discover 11 beauty secrets that most people don’t know about!#1 Sunscreen is THE mother of all foundations.Beauty experts and celebrity cosmetologists swear by sunscreen. They stress that all beauty regimens start with applying sunscreen. Sunscreens with at least 30 SPF are highly recommended and should be applied twice daily. So, before stepping out of the house, remember to put on sunscreen to avoid the damage that UV light does to your skin.

#2 Over-drying the skin can aggravate that inflammation.

When we use anti-spot creams to get rid of acne marks, we can actually harm our skin as these creams contain benzoyl peroxide. This substance over-dries the skin. Instead, use cleansing masks that contain clay to get rid of inflammation and spots. Or you can exfoliate your skin with salicyclic or lactic acid. If you don’t want to use OTC gels and creams that contain these acids, you can go for a more natural way by using these fruits – raspberries, cucumber, cantaloupe, and strawberries.

#3 Don’t neglect your neck.

The skin on the neck is thin. As thin as the facial skin. So, this needs as much care as our face does. Do a regular massage with cream or a light lotion on your neck. This will be both relaxing and rejuvenating for your skin. Your neck will thank you later for the lines this regular massage will prevent from appearing.

#4 Ice ice baby.

Rub an ice-cube on the face for an immediate glow. The cold from the ice will stimulate the skin and will help in better blood circulation.

#5 Store your beauty products correctly.

We want to have our creams, lotions, and potions within easy reach. That’s why we store these in the bathroom cabinet. But did you know that the humidity and warm temperature of the bathroom can harm your beauty products? It’s a good idea to store the face creams in the fridge after you have used them. Don’t forget to check the expiration dates on your creams and foundations.

#6 Regularly clean all that touches your face.

Yes, that means your phone screen too! Wipe your phone screen daily so that it is free of all germs that can cause acne. You should also change your pillow cover once a week at least to make sure your face rests on the cleanest surface.

#7 Don’t use face sponges and scrubs if you have pimples.


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