
10 Ways Your Body Is Telling You That You Are Low on Key Vitamins

If you suffer from more serious hair problems than hair thinning or dry hair, then you may be dealing with a serious vitamin D deficiency. This has been linked to alopecia, the autoimmune condition that causes bald patches on the scalp.

6. Restless leg syndrome

This is related to iron insufficiency. According to data, the restless leg syndrome impacts up to 10% of Americans, while women are twice more likely to experience it. The symptoms improve as soon as your body has enough iron.

7. Poor vision at night

If your body lacks vitamin A, then you may deal with poor night vision. Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining healthy eyes, as well as healthy skin and hormonal health. Great sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, eggs, berries, kale and others.

8. Gray hair at an early age

If you’re low in copper, you will find gray hairs at a young age. No, you don’t need to try chewing on pennies. Some mushrooms will do.

9. Bad skin

A healthy and balanced diet is essential for keeping your skin clear and fresh. If your skin lost its suppleness, try adjusting your diet to include foods rich in vitamin E.

10. Exhaustion

Fatigue can be a sign of many issues, starting with stress, not getting enough sleep or depression. It could also indicate vitamin deficiency, like vitamin D (due to lack of sun) or iron.

Don’t hesitate to consult with your doctor for any symptoms you may have. They will tell you what exactly needs adjusted so that you get everything you need from your diet.

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