Health & Fitness

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Sperm

Once a man ejaculates into a woman, out of the 300 to 500 million sperms that are released, only roughly 5-10 sperm cells manage to survive the journey into the fallopian tubes, where coincidentally, more than half of those promptly die.

Cause of death? Acids, the female immune system, getting lost… the list goes on. Some sperms can survive up to a whopping 5 days, but this is very rare.

7. Sperm Is Used In Cooking

I kid you not. There are cooking books available in the market with recipes that use semen as an ingredient. One particular gem, Natural Harvest – A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes, describes semen as, “not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic .”

8. Saving Up On Sperm Doesn’t Make It Better

Research actually indicates that regular ejaculation can help improve the quality of sperm and the subsequent transport of the seminal fluid. Furthermore, regular ejaculation decreases the risk of prostate cancer .

9. Sperm Factories Don’t Have An Expiry

Women are born with a limited number of eggs, and by the age of 30, we’re left with roughly 1/8th of that number. Men, on the other hand, can keep producing sperms throughout their lives. The quality of the sperm may decline with age. However, the production and viability never stops. Case in point, Charlie Chaplin fathered his youngest son Christopher James in 1962, at the ripe old age of 73.

10. Sperm Is Good For The Skin

Yep. Sperm is rich in vitamin C, zinc, prostaglandins, amino acids, and collagen, which have many skin benefits. In fact, so intriguing is this discovery that a Norwegian company by the name of Bioforskning actually decided to make a business out of it! They’ve incorporated all these compounds into a facial cream affectionately named as ‘Spermine’.

I know, oh-so-tempting (read: sarcasm).

Bioforskning claims that Spermine (was I the only one who cringed?) has 30 times the power of vitamin E and can successfully delay skin aging by 20%. Nature’s facial cream, however, is being sold for a whopping $250 online. I’d actually pay to watch them market and promote that at Big Bazaar.

There you have it – 10 sperm facts that you probably didn’t need, but hey, you sure did enjoy learning. Makes for a more interesting life, I must say. Keep smiling!

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