Health & Fitness

10 Safe Ways to Make Yourself Easy to Vomit

Throwing up is not a good feeling. But sometimes it becomes a necessity, as in the case of indigestion, uncontrolled alcohol or toxic intake. You could have overeaten or taken the wrong medications that compel you to throw up. Whatever be the case, we will now discuss how you can throw up comfortably without causing harm to your body.

10 Ways to Safely Throw Up

There are numerous safe ways to throw up. However, it is advisable to consult your medical practitioner before forcing yourself to vomit as the situation could turn dangerous.

1. Use Your Fingers

Yes, though it sounds gross, putting your finger in your throat is one of the easiest ways to throw up quickly. Just push your finger towards the back of your tongue, and your task will be achieved soon.

How Does This Work?

  • The Gag Reflex is the body’s way of protecting you from unwanted foreign substances. This automatic response is triggered when the finger comes in contact with your tongue. It immediately induces nausea and makes you vomit.

2. Use an Emetic

There are various over-the-counter emetics like ‘The syrup of Ipecac’ that are helpful inducing vomiting.

How does this work: Emetics are medicines that induce vomiting.

Word of caution: This syrup should be taken only under the doctor’s supervision.

3. Salt Water/ Baking Soda

This technique is also very effective in inducing vomiting. Add 2-3 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and drink it up. Alternatively you can use a teaspoon of baking soda, instead of the salt. It might take 25 minutes to throw up, and you can also use your finger to speed up the process.

How it works?

  • Salt contains sodium and too much intake of this element can disrupt the electrolyte balance of your body. This, in turn, propels the body to throw out excess water intake.

4. Coke


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