
10 Mistakes Need to Avoid When Using an Eyelash Curler

4. Not Holding the Curler Properly

Not Holding the Curler Properly

How to Do:

  • Place the index finger and the thumb in the grip holes that have been provided; open the curler wide so that the top lash fits between the metal top and the rubber cushion.
  • Get close to the eyelash root. Reach as close as possible but making sure that it doesn’t touch the skin. Squeeze tightly and close curler on your lashes. If you bring it close to the skin, it can hurt the eye.
  • The eyelashes are sensitive and hence you should ensure that you give light pressure on the curler clamps to prevent breakage of lashes.

5. Using too Frequently

Using too Frequently

How to Do:

  • You should give your lashes a resting time. Clamping and crimping every day, even when you are doing it in the right manner can take a toll on your eyelash.
  • Thus, they might start thinning or falling out. No, do not ditch the curler completely. However, if you curl on a regular basis, you should give your eyelashes some time to do their thing once in a while.
  • This will help in maintaining your eyelashes.
  • You should pump the eyelash slowly and steadily and never rush when using the curler.

6. Not Applying the Proper Technique

Not Applying the Proper Technique

How to Do:

  • Pump the curler about 4 to 8 times at the root. Thereafter, the pump along the lashes for reaching the tip to give it a final curl.
  • This will offer a curve and also lesser crimp that the pumping of the lashes in the same spot number of times.
  • In simple words, crimping can make the eyelash bend into an L-shape instead of a curve. Clamp-down and hold the curler tight for around 5 seconds.

7. Not Heating the Eyelash Curler

Not Heating the Eyelash Curler

When you heat the eyelash curler, it will lock the curl. Heat it before curling just by holding it in front of a blow-dryer for some seconds. Make sure that you blow the metal curler prior to applying it on the lashes to keep yourself from burning. This is a great trick when you have coarse eyelashes that it difficult to curl.

8. Applying Excessive Force

Applying Excessive Force

How To Do

  • Whatever you do, you should do it slowly and steadily. Squeeze the curler in a gentle manner rather than pulling the lashes outward.
  • When you have a good curler, there is no need to apply great force. If you squeeze in a vigorous manner, it can pull the lashes out or break it.
  • Use mini eyelash curlers to get access to the hard to reach lash corners.

9. Applying Mascara before Using Eyelash Curler

Applying Mascara before Using Eyelash Curler

This is the most common mistake that people make when they use an eyelash curler. Rather the giving lift or volume, it will make the lashes sticky. As a matter of fact, it can also be pulled out by the curler. If you apply mascara after curling the eyelashes, it will hold the lashes in place. If you are using a good product, it will maximize the curl.

10. Not Replacing the Pad

Not Replacing the Pad

The pad present in the curler is for protecting your lashes from the curler’s sharp metal edges. When you have a worn-out pad, it is going to leave the edges exposes and the lashes can break readily. What’s worse, you can suffer a cut from the metal. This means you might have to lose your lashes completely. There is nothing more tragic. Hence, you should replace your curler pad from time to time.

Eyelash curlers are not dangerous but they have to be used in the right manner so that you don’t pinch the eyelids or pull out lashes, accidentally.

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