Health & Fitness

10 Innocent Signs That Your Body Is Flooded With Toxins and How to Detox It

On one hand, toxin buildup makes you feel exhausted and on the other, making matters worse, can spoil your sleep. High amounts of toxins in the body can cause the level of the sleep-controlling hormone Cortisol to go awry, thereby negatively impacting your sleep. Insomnia can lead to severe health issues, so if you think that falling asleep is getting harder, consider doing a detox.

You’re packing on the pounds

Despite all the great workouts you’re doing at the gym, if you still keep putting on pounds, maybe there is something wrong with your hormones. Toxins can adversely impact the level of certain hormones in the body, including those that are responsible for maintaining weight. Switching to a healthy organic diet and getting a thorough detox should help.

Your breath smells bad even to you

Bad breath is usually a symptom of digestive problems. It occurs when your digestive system has to struggle in order to digest all that you eat. But digestive problems can also occur when your liver fights to cleanse all the accumulated toxins. Getting rid of the toxins is the only way for you to tackle this problem.

Your toenails are brittle and look ugly

Gravity pulls the toxins down your body, and your toenails can be the ones that suffer. Toes, for a large part of the day, remain inside dark socks and shoes, an ecosystem that fungus loves. These combine to make the toenail a hotbed for fungus growth. While there are prescribed pharmaceutical applications to deal with it, treating it from the inside by detoxing is the holistic way to go.

You are losing your hair faster

Hair loss is not a symptom of toxic overload caused by everyday toxins. It can be the handiwork of more sinister toxins like arsenic, lead, and thallium (found in cigarette smoke) among others, which can even be lethal. So do not take hair loss lightly and rush to your doctor.

Bonus: How to detox

If you find yourself experiencing one or more of the conditions described above, going through a detox might be a good idea. While there are more complex detox procedures available, making some simple lifestyle changes might help as well.

  • Drink ample amounts of water; it helps flush toxins out.
  • Toxins wreak havoc on the liver. To keep the liver strong, drink dandelion tea or add parsley, cilantro, or milk thistle to your meal.
  • Practice yoga. It improves bodily circulation and helps to get rid of toxins.
  • Brush your teeth at night after dinner. And don’t forget to use a tongue scraper too.
  • Eat only clean, whole, and organic foods.
  • Add probiotics to your diet.
  • Use only natural cosmetic products that are free of fragrances and other toxins.

Has a friend of yours discussed in private with you about similar problems? Share this article with them! And if you have experienced them yourself, you now know what might be the cause. Share your detox experience with us in the comments.

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