
10 Home Remedies To Regrow Hair On Bald Patches

Baldness refers to excessive hair loss from the scalp. Disturbances in the hair growth cycle can lead to baldness. Earlier, baldness was associated with old age, but today, even young people are affected by it. Bad lifestyle choices, including a lack of proper nutrition and stress, has made baldness all-pervasive.

While it is common in males, a small population of women too deals with this hair issue. We have compiled a few simple home remedies that have been scientifically proven to promote hair growth. However, if these remedies do not bring any changes, consult your healthcare provider to determine the cause of your hair loss and discuss the treatment options.

Read on to find out more about the causes, types, and home remedies for baldness in men and women.

What Are The Causes Of Baldness?

When it comes to male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, genetics and hormones play a major role (1), (2). A combination of the following causes is responsible for baldness and hair loss in general:

  • Aging
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Injury or burns
  • Scalp infections like ringworm
  • Iron deficiency
  • Insufficient protein content in the diet
  • Family history of baldness
  • Medical conditions or illnesses that cause hair loss
  • Medicines used in chemotherapy (3)
  • Depending on the causes and the age and gender of the person, baldness is categorized into different types.

Types Of Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness – This hereditary condition is seen in men and can begin with a bald spot or a receding hairline.
Female Pattern Baldness – This is seen in women and is also related to the genetic makeup of the individual. It seldom results in complete baldness.
Alopecia areata – Hair loss occurs, which leads to bald spots. This can also progress to alopecia totalis if the entire hair on the scalp is lost.
Scarring Alopecia – If the bald spots develop due to injury, burns, radiation, or diseases (like skin infections), the condition is called scarring alopecia.
Toxic Alopecia – This condition is usually temporary and is caused due to severe illnesses, high fevers, or certain medications.

These were the different types of baldness. Identify your symptoms and use the remedies listed below to deal with excessive hair loss and bald spots.

Home Remedies To Regrow Hair On Bald Patches

  • Best Oils For Baldness
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Aloe Vera
  • Onion Juice
  • Ginger
  • Methi
  • Chinese Herbs
  • Coffee
  • Egg Yolk
  • Licorice Root

1. Best Oils For Baldness


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