Health & Fitness

10 ‘Eerie’ Symptoms Which Indicate That You Had A Silent Stroke And That Another One Will Soon…

If you thought that stroke only affects elderly, it’s time to think again. Unfortunately, people at any age can have a stroke. One of the most important things is developing an ability to recognize the early signs of stroke, and ask for medical help. We give you the most common early signs of stroke.

Blurry vision/Loss of vision

The entire process first starts in your eyes. It can affect either one or your both eyes. About 44% of stroke sufferers have experienced loss of vision before their stroke.

Sudden headache/Vertigo

Vertigo almost always occurs in women under 45. This is a clear sign that you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Trouble speaking and understanding speech

In some parts of the day, the tiny confusions are often unnoticed. Feeling delirious and being able to speak often results in confusion.

Loss of balance/Trouble walking

his symptom. Open your arms wide with the palms up, and hold them in this position for 10 seconds. If one of your arms drops, your muscles are weak.

Pain in (one side of) the face

Stroke isn’t always accompanied with pain, but if you feel sudden pain stabs in your extremities or one side of your face, you may be dealing with stroke pretty soon.

Headaches and migraine


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